Tuesday 26 January 2010

Why not?

I like to picture us as one of those annoying couples that everyone is jealous of because we're so much alike. Because we're so in sync with one another. We would never spell it out "in sync" though, choosing instead to refer to our relationship as N'Sync, because, well, why not? We'd be adorable together, bickering over a ridiculous celebrity news story, fighting over which late night show to watch (while really we'd both be paying no mind to the TV, instead reading some insightful novels recommended by John Green), and arguing over which of our favorite chinese restaurants to go for dinner. I feel like we'd have our own YouTube channel but would never actually upload anything to it. We'd make tons of random videos but never feel they were good enough for the inter-webs, deciding instead to strictly share them with close friends at get-togethers. We'd be completely amazed by one another still, after 6 years of ups and downs, our friendship would be the world to the other. We'd be in love still of course. We'd look back on High School and appreciate it as the life that gave us one another, but not much else. We'd be we, which is all we would need.

I wouldn't be writing this of course, because there would be no need to look back on life and picture how it could be different. I wouldn't want it to be different. I would have you and that's all I'd need. But I wouldn't be me. I'd be someone else at this point in my life. You'd be someone else at this point in your life.

Instead, we're both two separate people, two people independent of one another. We aren't a we, an us, a them. I'm me. When I think of it, you're really a stranger to me. I don't know the person you've become just like you don't know the person I've become. I can theorize all I want about what could have been, what might have been, what should have been, but in the end there's no use but the hilarity of it all.

Looking back is interesting... Looking forward is hard... Making up my own story of everything along the way, that's just silly, but why not?

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Good Fighting & Insomnia

Hi Blog... I forgot about you... apologies from an insomniac who has to be awake for a full day of classes in 4 hours.

As it is, I'm really content with my life. Like, extremely content, actually. I'm all moved in to the new apartment and ready to start a semester full of classes I'm really looking forward to. My room mates are the best I could've asked for. We laugh, we fight, we dance and eat chipotle (not at the same time of course... although, very possibl
e). To those of you who think I'm ridiculous for thinking the fact that we fight is a good thing, consider this: Would you rather live with people who keep their feelings bottled up and never shares what they're thinking with you, or would you rather live in an outgoing setting where everything is out in the open and talking about it means fixing it? Fighting is good, especially with your friends. For a long tine now I've known this and I wish more people realized it. To bicker or to yell means you have emotions, you have feelings. It means YOU CARE! When I've reached a point in a relationship where I feel comfortable telling someone that they're being a pain in the ass, I can consider them a friend. Sorry to say, but if I've never been mad at you, I probably could give two shit ab
out you.

So setting everything up was quite the adventure and I'm really happy to have this great new place to call home for the next four months. I'm even happier (more happy?) to be starting some classes (in 4 hours, to remind you) that will be useful to me in the pathway of life I've chosen. Along that pathway I hope to find a camera, some witty script, and some swanky artistic directors who can help bring my ideas to life. I have a lot to learn and I can't fucking wait
to start. Tomorrow if my first film production class and when I say I can't wait, that's an understatement. I finally know what's right for me, and now that I do... I'm ready for it. That might be why I'm sitting here awake at now 3:41 AM. I'm thinking so much about what tomorrow is opening up for me (well wait... what TODAY is opening up for me... shit I need to be asleep). Yeah yeah yeah, since it's the first day I'll probably just get an introduction to the course, a syllabus, and a go around of all my new classmates' names, BUT it has to start somewhere.