Friday 12 June 2009

Love Love Love

Had a VERY long day today.
This late at night I'm not finding much happy. After waking up at 6am I helped run a summer orientation day at my University and didn't get home until the afternoon. More on that in a future post. Basically, I'm beat! Not that today wasn't rewarding, I do love being an Orientation Leader and helping new students get to know my school, but today was just... very long (as previously stated, i know, I'm short on originality tonight).

After I got home and ate dinner (and took a major power nap) I stopped over Heather's house for a few hours to watch a movie which was good times. We watched 50 First Dates which made me simultaneously disgruntled and happy. Happy because it's a funny movie that is really heart warming, classic romantic comedy, but disgruntled because, let's face it, I'm running on empty when it comes to a love life. I know that I can survive without a romantic interest, and I know I'm a strong independent woman and yadda yadda yadda... but sometimes I just think it would make me feel more complete to have a significant other. Movies like that always make me think about how alone I do feel sometimes. But then, when I think about it more, I know that at some point in my life I will get what I want. Right now I have no prospects, but things are always changing... for the better.

I'm trying to stay optimistic here!

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