Wednesday 10 June 2009


So the whole title of this blog dealio was supposed to be meaningful and what not.

(I don't plan on this entry being at all coherent... more like streams of consciousness.... just a warning... please don't judge me, I'm really not stupid!).

Anyway as I was saying... my blog title. To me it means there is always something brighter just around the corner. Something hidden behind all the crap that life throws at you. Something good just waiting to be found. In my life, and in the writings of this blog, I'm searching for that happiness. A lot of my journal entries talk about how depressed I am about something or how annoyed, unhappy, etc etc, that I am. I realized that I need a place to come to where I can document the good things in my life. All the little (and big) things that make me want to live my life. For example: If one day I have the most amazing tea at Starbucks, I may just come on here to let you all know ("you all" being no one right now since I have no subscribers... haha... but it's the internet so let's just say you all means the internet as a whole).

It's the small things in life that matter most. Those little moments that end up making your day. Here's to a swell summer where my happiness is just around the corner!


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